When you own your own company, it is of the utmost importance that you protect it with proper insurance. It is also important that you take as many precautionary steps as possible to protect your company from damage, like from a fire. This is why it is so important to educate yourself on the best fire alarms for businesses. Let's take a quick look at a few systems to help you decide which one is best for you.
There are basically three types of fire alarms for businesses, with conventional ones being one of the most common. These alarms are placed in different zones and are hardwired to a central control panel. Just as you would place different alarms throughout different rooms of your home, a conventional system enables you to place them in different areas of your business.
Also commonly referred to as intelligent systems, an addressable fire alarm system will allow you to choose between automatic and manual alarms. This type of system means that each single alarm that you have installed will have its own address; this makes it simple to see which alarms are working and which ones aren't. Since the monitoring features of this type of system are more enhanced, an addressable system tends to be more expensive than a conventional system.
Lastly, there are hybrid systems, which combine the hardwired features found in conventional systems with the addressable loops found in addressable systems. By combining the two technologies with one another, you get the best of both worlds. This type of system, however, since it offers more advanced features, will likely cost you more to install and maintain than a conventional system.
The Takeaway
You will need to assess your overall fire alarm needs before you decide on any of the systems outlined above. Once your needs are pinpointed, you will find it much simpler to choose which system is the best fit.
Lastly, it's important to have a reliable fire alarm in your building in the case of a fire and if your building does have a fire alarm, it's important to get it inspected. If you need a fire suppression system repair company or need fire suppression contractors, contact the team at Jackson Associates today.